Spessartine with Smoky Quartz on Microcline

Spessartine with Smoky Quartz on Microcline

Regular price $188.00 Sale

Specimen: Spessartine with Smoky Quartz on Microcline

Location: Wushan, Fujian, China

Influence: Business, Enlighten, Creativity, Confidence, etc.

Element: Fire

A unique specimen, combination of Spessartine with Smoky Quartz on Microcline matrix. It is also known as Mandarin Garnet in the jewellery world. Very rich and balance specimen one can't ask for more.

It is a powerful stone of attraction. It can help one magnetize a lover, a new job, a creative project and anything in which one's personal energy attraction is a key factor, etc. The specimen accompanied with a tailor made stand. It is a beneficial replacement for hessonite in term of astrology when good hessonite are not available. 

Spiritual: Resonates with the creative energy. Encourage vision to be transform into reality. Making energy into form.

Emotional: Encourage optimism, confidence, action.

Physical: Aids in matters of fertility and reproduction, tonic for the endocrine system.

Size: 6 x 6 x 2 cm